Tuesday 29 January 2013

Drawing: Objects / Marks

Mark making materials, newspaper and 6x A1 sheets of paper? All the things ready for an interesting day of drawing
I started by drawing everything I owned, a challenge in itself, but remembering everything I owned and for it to all fit onto one page was another. My mind began to scan my room and to figure out everything, but there was just too much I would have been there for days and would of needed a lot more paper!!!

From this I narrowed it down to just 10 items that I had already considered. This led me on to draw them out smallest using materials that created a thin line, to the largest object creating a thicker line.

I then did this the other way around with my smallest item having the thickest line, to the largest having the thinnest but this time I drew my way outward and around the previous. Creating an interesting affect. Still each with a different mark. But this led me on to experiment using a continues line outward with each item getting larger and this I felt was more effect and slightly more confusing as if the object became one.

This idea of mark making was continued though the day with me then crating a drawing implement with rolled up newspaper to create a point, and with run down paint and 16 separate books, I was to draw what came to mind when a word was shouted out, words from choir to rabbit to soap opera. As the paper continued to get dipped in the paint the line changed as the drawing went on which I found rather beautiful as they became more rustic and soulful.

I finished the drawing day off buy refining these 16 drawing by copying them out with a fine liner, although still an interesting set of drawing I feel they lost there charm from the indicial marks.
Today has really helped me look at different marking making techniques and the idea of changing an objects initial thought. I will continue to vary my marks to see what interesting pattern and design I can make.

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