Sunday 21 October 2012

Things ani’t what they used to be: Spaces of display

We are looking at the idea of museums and who decides on how they are run, what’s in them, what’s worth more than others, what’s more important, who are they run by, but more importantly who are they run for?  The idea of Public vs. personal so the institution vs. private.
Museums have this idea of keeping things safe but what is safe, if museums have dwindling funds how is there a guaranty it is safe? Museums continue the story of culture, but culture is changing all the time and ones culture maybe different to another’s. A museum is a static notion. Does it preserve stuff or preserve the value of stuff. As all things within the museum have been taken out of their original context. 
“Museums are built on loss and its recollection: there is no museum without the threat of erasure or incompletion, no museum not shadowed by the imagination of the impending destruction of what it therefore seeks to stabilize and maintain. Or, to be more exact, we can say that the museum finds in loss its most powerful alibi…Museums defend traditions, they remember and represent, gather together in collections and exhibitions what needs to be rescued or exposed – whether as tradition or avant grade, center or margin, orthodoxy or heterodoxy – because it is endangered, in its physical existence or significance. Museums shelter not so much objects as meanings, and their work is that or articulating, linking and arranging them in a network or significance ”
From No Ends in Sight. Thomas Keenan
Take the V&A fashion galleries who are these garments aimed at, the idea of elegance in design those of the elite not the everyday. Who decided which pieces went into this collection and what should be there, but the question is what am I not seeing and why am I not seeing it?

This idea of what is the most important or the most valuable in most cases has always been questionable.
So how do you value art, price, artist, and quality? Is the most expensive always best? How do you put a piece on art and who gives it that estimate price?
Take the national gallery in WWII they moved art out of the city before they did children. They moved the art to Bangor in wales 30th sep 1938 but again here we are judging a place upon its importance why was Bangor chosen? Then when the bombing did start in London Aug 1939 all pieces where moved again to Wales but this time to an underground quarry, so then the question is raised is art for the person or the institution, is it the memory of art. The removal of art didn’t go down with the people so the whole meaning of the gallery had to be changed using other forms of the arts they held concerts for the people, so were people counted as less valuable than the art itself?

The recent Dutch art Museum heist also questions what is more important to do with art. Is all about the money has the cultural value been lost? But the sceptical around the theft has made it more valuable, there is a sense of joy coming from the museum going wrong, not being as safe as you think.

Is art becoming all about money?  But then the money also creates sceptical, take Damien Hirst Skull and the sceptical around how much it was worth, and with it being so expensive it made people want to go and see it, this idea of a bucket list something that you have to see, like the Mona Lisa why is there so much hype around it?

The idea of the media sceptical is also one that can change the whole narrative of a piece of work and make it not worthy to be in a gallery anymore. David Hamilton’s work had been in many exhibitions as well as playboy, until a story broke out in the media about paedophiles, they then began to see his work in a whole new narrative and branded his work as dirty, and morally corrupt but why was one story then link to what is just art.

The history of a museum is always over looked as you always get distracted by the art you don’t actually look at the museum itself, as things are always collected within the museum over time and not always displayed they are hidden why is this and who decides what is displayed. And what supports the foundation of the museum what is the power of things.
But when the museum is trying to be transport and open, it adds another meaning but this then brings up more questions. Jeff Wall Restoration (detail) Cibachrome transparency in display case. Is this an upper class big brother, what do we get from watching them put artwork up?
But are we just looking at the obvious take Jeffrey Vallance Covert Wall Socket Exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum Drawing 1998. He placed his art over plug sockets in different galleries and it took people a long time to realise they where there but he decided where his work went not the institution so do we look at what we want or what we are told to look at.

But with the culture of museums changing and our own cultures changing, what is anything worth anymore we are such a consumerism society is our own rubbish art? Richard Wentworth Questions of Taste 1997. Installation British Museum (part of collected exhibition) has culture been discarded on the floor like rubbish how is that preserving culture.

Museums don’t attract a diverse audience, so does that question the art or the institution, whose story and power are they trying to protect / what are they hiding. Culture vs. money. So should we go against the order and not take power at face value.
“Out of the closets and into the Museums, libraries, architectural monuments, concert halls, bookstores, recording studios and film studios of the world. Everything belongs to the inspired and dedicated thief. …Words, colours, light, sounds, stone, wood, bronze belong to the living artist. They belong to anyone who can use them. Loot the Louvre! A bas l’originalite, the sterile and assertive ego that imprisons us as it creates. Vive le sol-pure, shameless, total. We are not responsible. Steal anything in sight”
William Burroughs.
I think we all need to look behind the piece of art and make our own judgment on art, art is for the audience and not the institution take what you want from it, not media sceptical, no value on price, no signs or labels art is for the people!!!

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